An interview from the 2024 NAB Show in Las Vegas with Brian Glasscock at the Sennheiser Booth. Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG is a German audio equipment manufacturer headquartered in Wedemark. Sennheiser specializes in equipment for both the consumer and professional audio markets, including microphones, headphones, and loudspeakers.

The AMBEO 2-Channel Spatial Audio live renderer is now available as a plugin for Merging Technologies’ Anubis audio interface. Top broadcasters across the world have expressed their interest in this unique tool, which reliably translates live immersive mixes into an enhanced 2-channel experience. The AMBEO 2-Channel Spatial Audio mix will work on any stereo device, making a separate stereo mix obsolete.

The AMBEO 2-Channel Spatial Audio live renderer plugin transforms, in real-time, standard multichannel surround and immersive formats into two channels of audio that can be delivered anywhere stereo is delivered today. Patented controls, adapted for use in a broadcast environment, allow for fine-tuning of spatialisation settings to maintain mix integrity and improve dialogue intelligibility over stereo mixdowns.

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